After my father suffered a stroke and traumatic head injury

After my father suffered a stroke and traumatic head injury with internal bleeding, he was hospitalized for eight days and lost almost all mobility in his right arm and leg. He became very weak and couldn’t even sit up on his own. With Dr. Churchill’s expertise and treatment plan at the Churchill Center in Fullerton, he has seen much improvement. Per his recommendation, Dr. Churchill administered three rounds of his mobile IV therapy. After the first week of treatment, my father was able to sit up on his own at the dining table with us and move his left arm to eat a banana. During the second week of treatment, we were all amazed to see my father stand up by himself and be able to move about slightly. Then, during the third week, he hit an even bigger milestone and was able to walk with assistance. With Dr. Churchill’s help, my father has gained his strength and is on the road to a full recovery.

Nina H. City of Industry

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