Every visit to any physician whether you experiencing a disease, dysfunction, or in need of diagnosis for whatever ails you, premiere physicians will request that you undergo diagnostic testing. More than 13 billion diagnostic tests are performed every year in the United States. Diagnostic tests are used to confirm, rule out or understand the cause of the symptoms in relation to the entire body, mind and soul.
Before creating a treatment plan, Dr. Dana Churchill (as is the case with all physicians) requires critical information for a correct diagnosis, which a diagnostic test/s can provide.
There are over 110 diagnostic tests and procedures currently in use. They are either used in detecting disease and for monitoring its progression. Moreover, diagnostic tools and equipment are also used in guiding treatment and evaluating its effectiveness.
Diagnostic tests are either invasive and non-invasive. Dr. Dana holds the Hippocratic Oath as a guide to his approach to healing One of the most ancient binding documents in history, the Oath written by Hippocrates is still held sacred by physicians: to treat the ill to the best of one’s ability, to preserve a patient’s privacy, to teach the secrets of medicine to the next generation, and of superlative importance, “first do no harm”.