Lomatium Isolate


This is a very highly concentrated isolate of lomatium, extracted and concentrated through a unique process that purifies and concentrates while maintaining very high levels of activity. This product is our premium top-of-the-line immune and support product.

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This is a very highly concentrated isolate of lomatium, extracted and concentrated through a unique process that purifies and concentrates while maintaining very high levels of activity. This product is our premium top-of-the-line immune and support product.

How we came to know and love this amazing herb!

During the flu pandemic of 1917-1918, the root came into extensive use by the two Washoe Indian tribes near Carson City, Nevada. Dr. E.T. Krebs Sr., the contract physician who was assigned by the U.S. government to the Washoe Indians, was dumbfounded to find that these two groups of Indians were free from respiratory illness and that no deaths had been attributed to the influenza “bug.” This was especially amazing because both Indians and white people were “dying like flies” throughout the entire region, the nation and the world. Spotting the dried root hanging from their hogans, Dr. Krebs asked what it was and what its use was. He was told it was “heap powerful medicine,” and that it was used to prevent colds and the flu. He asked if he could try this medicine on some of his white patients and, after making a crude preparation and giving it to his non-Indian patients in San Francisco, he said, “They just stopped dying.”

How it works: Scientific investigation of the plant reveals that the volatile oil factions in the root contain the antiviral/antibiotic ingredient. Also present are powerful anti-bacterial/anti-fungal properties. The Lomatium dissectum extract has a viro-static effect, meaning that it stops the growth of all viruses, bacteria and fungus in the body and eliminates the lethal micro-organisms without harming the ones necessary to good health. The effectiveness of Lomatium dissectum in eliminating infections and restoring health is an incredible gift from Mother Nature.

Extensive work has been done by over five universities on Lomatium dissectum. It is a powerful, nontoxic, viro-static against flu viruses, the trachoma virus, the Lansing Polio viruses, and numerous other viruses. By 1944, the Journal of Bacteriology reported, “The anti-biotic activity of oil factions separated from the root of Lomatium dissectum was determined on 62 strains and species of bacteria, molds and fungi. The heat-stable active agent was bactericidal for gram-positive bacteria at 10-4 dilutions and at 10-3 for gram-negative bacteria.” (Journal of Bacteriology, Vol. 55 No. 5 May 1948)

Contraindications: not while pregnant or breastfeeding. Sometimes a mild rash forms, if so discontinue.

Dose: start with 3-5 drops per day and work up to 10 drops 3x.day.

Additional information

Weight 1 oz