Our patients receive the attention they deserve without judgment. “Health is an inalienable right for all humankind“. We now have the technicality and precision to treat our patients with the most groundbreaking medical advances. Whether diet and lifestyle rejuvenation, to a powerful individualized formula of IV therapies.
The patient only stands to gain – advanced technicality and research melded with the wisdom of 5000 years of global medicine to ensure a future where everyone has a chance of a life free of disease or fear. By taking the entire body and being into account, Churchill provides a quality of care, that is personalized, professional, and compassionate. The Churchill Center ™ esteemed in the world of Functional and Institutional Medicine revolutionizing healthcare beyond solely symptom-based to treating the genesis (root causal) of patient disease and debilitating anxiety.
Why resort to ‘Hail Mary’ drugs and revolving doors if all that is required is a metaphorical ‘healing band-aid’? Often exhaustive diagnostics, and treatments whether a delectable diet, a change in attitude, newfound physical strength and vitality, and mental agility can keep you healthy FOR LIFE, “And before a disease becomes catastrophic requiring extreme measures and not to mention astronomical fees.”