How to Detox the Right Way From Mold, Bacteria, and Heavy Metals | Expert Talk With Dr. Dana Churchill

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S03: When we do, when we break down what mold does, it’s amazing that it’s the worst thing that can happen to you because it goes after the immune system in general all over the body. It’ll also go after the gut and the things that it does is try to destroy your gut, increase leaky gut syndrome, and increase the ability of toxins to go into the bloodstream. You can’t be shotgunning patients with a lot of really strong nutrients and detoxification systems when their body isn’t ready for it. And the mold will hurt that a lot. It will make people not ready to get good medicine and to

S02: help them clean their body. So what you’re saying is that you shouldn’t just go hardcore on detox.

S01: No, no, no. Really? Don’t do it. Today we sit down with Dr. Dana Churchill to talk about how to detox safely, how to spot a

S02: mold toxicity and what to do about it. When do you notice that a person is toxic? How do you tell that when somebody just comes to your office? What’s the first sign?

S03: Okay. So the first sign is the smell. I have a very acute sense of smell. I can usually smell their breath and you can tell if someone’s toxic. The second would be how articulate are they? How much comprehension do they have? Do they have a foggy brain? Are there any neurological impairments that can be coming from mold or things like that? Just their energy level, what they tell me. A lot of times they just have zero energy. That can be from usually it’s from thyroid or the adrenals, but the toxins are what’s causing it typically. There are a lot of different reasons why someone would be toxic. So we want to try to look at that right away.

S02: So what is the first thing that you do to test it?

S03: Okay. Well, it’s obviously because, okay, not everybody has a massive budget to spend a lot of money on testing. So we’re going to go with say the person in the middle today. Okay. And so what I would do is I would give them questionnaires. I would ask about their history. History is number one. And we, a naturopath can do an hour to an hour and a half first visit and maybe 45 minutes or longer could be history. So we’d go over where they live. Do they have power lines above their house? Are they in an area? Like remember the New York state had an area where they thought a lot of people were getting cancer and they thought it was possibly was a toxic waste dump. And then the building companies just built houses on top of it. We want to make sure they’re not in an area like that. Where do they live? Do they have a lot of water? Is it raining a lot? Do they have air conditioners, which can cause mold? If it runs to the back of the house or, you know, we want to look at that and we give them questionnaires. If I start to get an idea, I can give them a mold questionnaire, a heavy metal questionnaire, a questionnaire about microbes, Candida, fungus, virus, bacteria. And we can start to understand where we need to go because you can’t just shock on people. We need to be targeted. The whole idea of all this is targeting what’s going on with them, but it can be pretty complicated.

S02: So we need to narrow it down. Wow. And what are the most common things that you do see with people having toxicity in their, in their body? Well, I mean, it’s become so ubiquitous

S03: to the society. Everybody’s coming in with toxins. And, you know, I did a video with you while back on thyroid. And I think that’s one of the first organs. They say it’s the canary in the coal mine. It’s the first organ to go from any kind of radiation like Fukushima or, you know, any kind of heavy metal toxicity, mold will attack the immune system. Mold, we see a lot of mold in California, but you have to recognize it because the first 10, 15 years of my practice, I didn’t treat mold a lot. And possibly I was missing it. Or maybe there’s just a whole preponderance of mold coming out now. I’m not sure. But once you get acclimated to it and it’s like the patient, it just doesn’t get better. It’s not like the guy that you just, you know, you have like 10 patients, it’s like one out of 10 or one out of 20. And you do everything you need to do. And either it’s like complete opposite reaction they have to everybody else, or they just don’t get better. Then you’re like, oh, you look back in their labs or all the reason, you know, they give me a lot of labs and all different doctors and I look and all the person had Lyme disease. Oh, interesting. We and it only had two or three bars. So that’s not supposed to be diagnostic. But if you listen to Haltor, if he says just a few bars, one bar could be the patient has some Lyme disease, Borrelia or some of those really nasty Lyme vectors. And you need to look at that because if they have Lyme, they probably have mold. And this just happened to a patient actually. And we’ve been working on it for two years. And she’s gotten better. She’s feeling better. But then we did a special treatment for thyroid. I don’t do it for that many people. And she got worse and her temperature got normal, which everybody feels better. It was very odd. And then I was the exact same time. It’s interesting how the universe works. I was texting her and she was emailing me that she thinks we should test for mold. And I was doing the same thing like virtually at the same time of one day. So when that sync synchronicity like that happens, I mean, I love science. Don’t get me wrong. But, you know, if you’re gonna have synchronicity like that, it usually is like, OK, let’s do this. And that’s what she’s coming

S02: in next week for a mold kit. Interesting. So you’re thinking you’re saying that there’s a lot of issues with mold or people having mold or not recognizing how much mold.

S03: It’s unrecognized. I think that’s what the big problem is. Like a thyroid is unrecognized. You know, the last video we did on thyroid, we got almost 40000 hits. And it was just because that is so unrecognized by the traditional medical orthodoxy. And we’re not just talking about California where there’s so much natural medicine and people are really adept at going to Whole Foods and going to Sprouts and, you know, other places aren’t like that. And so those are a lot of the calls I was getting in the country. And I really had to explain everything to them from stage one. You know, it’s the same thing with mold. It’s just on. It’s unseen and it’s not thought of very well, very much. So we really need to look at it carefully. And when we do and we break down what mold does, it’s really amazing that it’s the worst thing that can happen to you because it goes after the immune system in general, all over the body. It’ll also go after the gut and the and the things that it does is tries to destroy your gut, increases leaky gut syndrome, increases the ability of toxins to go into the bloodstream. It goes after the secretory IgA. And that’s actually your immune. OK, your gut is seventy five percent your immune system in your body, but it also has protectors of the gut. The brain has glial glial cells. The gut has secretory IgA cells and it will go after them and start to dismantle them. It’ll also create havoc in your body. And so we are not getting a lot of nutrients in our environment. Right. So the nutrients we do get, it will basically try to block those nutrients from absorption. It has very smart mechanisms to block those nutrients. So you can be really, really sick. You could die from mold intoxication unless you catch it early enough. I mean, it can last a lot of years and build up and build up. And but a lot of times what happens is the patient get treated for all different other things, especially if it’s part of the country that doesn’t have any mold or doesn’t, quote, unquote, have any mold because they have it. But you’ve got to find it. And when you find it and you treat it, it’s amazing the results you can get pretty fast results. But you have to be careful. For one thing, you need to meet the patient where they’re at. And this is the first thing they taught us in naturopathic medical school. You can’t be shotgunning patients with a lot of really strong nutrients and detoxification systems when their body isn’t ready for it. And the mold will hurt that a lot or make people not ready to get the good medicine and to help them clean their body. So we usually use something called basic detox kit. It’s fairly gentle and it works for the lymph, the lymphatics. It works for the liver and for the kidneys. And it’s very gentle. And we use it over maybe two, three, four weeks, just drop doses of it, opening those among trees, those areas of elimination, which are called among trees, so that we don’t start treating them and we have herxheimer reactions, which are the bad reactions you can get. I wouldn’t call them side effects. I would call them detox reactions. And you just got to be

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S02: Fascinating. So you’re not, so what you’re saying is that you shouldn’t just go hardcore on detox.

S03: No, no, no. Don’t do it. Okay, so I’ll tell you something interesting. I just found a new medicine called Cytodetox. I really like, it’s Dr. Pompa’s company. He’s a really smart guy. He’s doing a lot. One of my patients uses a system who’s sick, beyond sick, and they recovered in like six months. It was amazing. We helped them a lot too, but they went over there. So anyway, I learned a lot of stuff. So Cytodetox is really powerful for getting out heavy metals, and it has different natural herbals in it, and seaweeds, and it also has EDTA. We don’t see that very much in many formulas. EDTA isn’t used a lot, and that’s a really great heavy metal detoxifier. I started using that along with biocidin. The point I’m trying to make is this is a super, super strong detox, and it’s going to go after microbes. The EDTA will break up biofilms in the gut where the microbes are hiding, and we can’t kill them because they wall themselves off. Basically, with minerals, calcium and minerals can be very strong. I think of it as little igloos in the gut, and there’s a little peephole out of it, and the microbes are in there spewing out all their toxins, and you’re trying to depth charge them with all these different herbs and these killing different things, but you can’t touch them. So the patient just limps along, limps along. So those are the guys, a lot of times, that haven’t been getting help for a long time. So you can kind of tell once you’ve been treating for a while, do they have biofilms or not? Well, this formula will break down the biofilms. So in addition to EDTA pulling metals out of fatty tissue and bone, because that’s where it gets lodged after two weeks, the body puts it there from the blood to keep it. It doesn’t know what to do with it, but in the blood, it’s like shrapnel. It could do a lot of damage. Well, the EDTA will go in there. Not only will it start pulling out the heavy metals, which can go all over the body unless you’re careful, it’ll break down these biofilms at the same time. Then what you have is a huge expulsion of candida, usually, which can cause rashes and oh my God, all kinds of crazy things, dizziness. You’d be like discombobulated sometimes when you’re walking around. It can really affect your brain if it’s a large amount of it, and then you’ll have heavy metals being liberated in the body. So there’s step by step by step, which you learn over years. Sometimes you learn the hard way. Most of it we learn from lectures, and we’re just super careful because we don’t want patients to aggravate like that because a lot of times they won’t come back. If they have a bad aggravation, they could say that you think you poisoned them if you’re not careful, but it’s just releasing their own toxins and their own candida and things in the gut that not many people see. Also, on a stool test, unless it’s really comprehensive stool test, not the ones like they’re being used just look for occult blood or some parasites. This has to be, it’s like eight, 10 pages of what’s going on in your gut. Then we can start to see, but a lot of people don’t want to, they can’t afford it, they don’t want to pay the money for that. So a lot of times it puts it on us to treat them without a big budget. So we have to find other ways to do it so we can help everybody.

S02: So first you start people with just this simple, basic detox, and then do you work your way up or

S03: does it matter? Well, what I would try to do then, because I do a lot of hormone balancing, okay, so there’s another part of this. If you start to work on somebody, say with mold, and you’re pulling out or heavy metals, and usually there’s a combination of different things, maybe not mold and heavy metals, but heavy metals and microbes, candida or some kind of bacteria in the gut, like a nasty bacteria that’s just causing a lot of trouble or food sensitivities, you need to optimize their energy systems. Because remember, each cell has energy. And this is why there’s so much research coming out in the last couple of years about mitochondria, everything’s about mitochondria, metabolic disease. Well, let me put it this way. If your mitochondria aren’t functioning very well, and the mold will go after them too, they’ll try to shut down your energy systems, which is ATP, you know, citric acid cycle, everybody hated it in biochemistry, but it’s the most important thing in the whole body, we’re starting to see. And the mitochondria basically are what make the ATP in the citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, and that’s what makes gives you energy. If you don’t have that, you die. Okay. So you can either have aerobic, which is a lot of ATP or anaerobic. And when things start to get shut down, you make two or three, two or three, two or three ATP. And if you don’t, if you have aerobic, you can make 23, or to 30, you can make a lot. So it’s basically a lot or a little. So we have to really understand, okay, first, we want to optimize the energy systems, which is pretty simple, depending on the patient. We can use NAD, NMN, we want to also make sure they have enough methyl groups, there’s a lot of research being done on MTHFR. And if you have both of your homozygous and both mom and dad, you’re gonna have a really hard time excreting in the past, like 20 years ago, we call them non excretors, because we didn’t know what was wrong with them. Now, I think pretty much what it is, is they don’t have enough, what’s B12, B6, and, and so the B’s, B12 and folate, if you don’t have those three, like that’s just ready to work with the methyl groups in your body, you’re not going to do the reactions you need. And especially now we’re ramping up all these systems to try to get things out. It’s not just the normal body doing its everyday kind of toxic mechanisms. Now we’re asking the body to do a lot more. So you have to make sure the energy systems are available to the patient, or they will get sick, or they get really tired, which means mitochondria, which means thyroid and adrenals. And I would optimize those three. And that’s what I do every day anyway, because that’s what I do more than anything else is balance hormones. And we do the saliva panel, the saliva hormone kit, comprehensive saliva kit, gives us, you know, the, all the four adrenals, DHEA, then testosterone, 3-estrogen, and progesterone. So that’s a perfect kit to kind of see what’s going on with their hormones, start to balance them. So I would do that. And then I put them on the basic detox kit. I get their diet going good because a lot of them, the reason why they’re sick is because it’s alcohol, sugar, or fast food. Those are the three major, really serious problems I see with my patients. If they’re not doing any of that and they’re really sick, then it’s pretty serious. So typically we get them off those things and they start to come back. And then, so that’s like the first and second stage. Then if everything doesn’t, if they don’t feel amazing after that, and their life’s incredible, they’re doing BHRT hormones or fixed or thyroid, you optimize your adrenal, you give them DHEA, you make sure their vitamins and minerals, we do labs to see all their vitamins and minerals as well. If they’re not doing great at that point, then we think, okay, what is it? Heavy metals? Is it moles? Is it microbes? Is it toxins? Is it something else? Then we start looking for those. That’s like all, that’s a two months into the practice probably. Then we can start to work on that. But remember, their other systems are all working by now. They’re better, but they’re not optimized. Or once in a while, like the woman I was talking about before, she really says, nothing’s changed me. And not just with me, with other doctors. Three years I’ve been doing this, all these different doctors, and I never felt a difference anywhere, shape, and form. Now this is an outlier. It’s not like you’re going to get this every day. But that’s when we really look for the mold, and we see it’s probably pretty progressed. I imagine when we get it back.

S02: Victor Bordigioni So detox, it’s not just getting rid of certain toxins. It’s a whole process that is very involved. And then in the end, you really have to find what is that biggest toxin, or a couple of toxins that are making it. Dr. Kahn Yeah, well,

S03: it would usually have a combination of things. It’s never just one thing. But there are, okay, people use the bunch of words detox, okay? There are kits, like two-week, one-week, two-week, four-week detox systems, where they can usually just do a lot of fasting. They can just drink vegetable juice. And they can take a lot of different herbs and minerals, vitamins, different things to start pushing stuff out of the liver. Phase one, phase two, detoxification of the liver, we’ll optimize that. We pull the heavy foods out. So if they can fast, they’ll go into autophagy. Autophagy is after 12 hours, the body will start digesting its toxins by itself and getting them out. So if they can fast, if they have a window, they eat for six hours a day. So eat breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner or something. But you put that in like six to eight-hour window, or six hours is even better. So the rest of the day, they’re completely just water. They’re just drinking water. So you have that whole time and then go into autophagy. And then also what you can do, you know, it has to be doctors working with the patient very carefully, but you can do like a vegetable juice. Some people do water fast. I’d be really careful with water fast, although they’re amazing. You better know your patient really well if you’re going to put them on a water fast for more than like a couple of days. But there’s doctors doing it and it lowers blood pressure. It does amazing things for people. Typically, we would do a juice fast, not anything too sweet, but they definitely have to have some glucose. And getting them doing like the juice fast, and then we’ll put a lot of different supplements in to start, you know, taking toxins out of the liver. Like the basic detox kit. There’s small bottles and big bottles. I’ll give them a big bottle of each of those. And they’ll be doing high dose of that. Then we might put something in the optimized liver function. Then we would put probiotics and things, probably maybe to start killing stuff in the gut. So it’ll be ordered, very ordered, but it’ll hit each different system. But I won’t really worry about having metals or mold or anything too crazy until we see those systems are starting to have problems or the detoxification breaks down or they got sick, you know, for no reason, or we’d have to find out what else is in there. Then we would say, okay, let’s do this lab, you know, maybe another $250 or, you know, a lot of people just want to do all the labs at once. And I love them. That’s the best. Then we can map it out. We can do everything easily. But obviously, sometimes budget’s a factor. So we got to be careful.

S02: Fascinating. And what kind of responses do you get? What kind of results do you have with your

S03: patients? Yeah, this is a really great question. And if we’ve done right, we’ve changed people’s lives many, many times. And I want to also say that, you know, a lot of times you get the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis or, you know, some really serious autoimmune conditions and a lot of, well, not a lot, the majority of the time, I would say 99% of the time, this is just a buildup of all the things I’ve been talking about that nobody either knew to look at, or they might’ve looked at it in a lab that wasn’t very comprehensive or didn’t show. Maybe it just didn’t show on that one lab. But I love labs. And I got into a lot of these lab companies. And I talked to the owners of the ones I like. And I did a lot of courses over the years. So we have some really good lab systems in place to detect anything, I mean, really anything. And so we need to be careful that the patient doesn’t—they can go through, you know, a lot of permutations and not find something. But when they get here, we usually find it pretty fast. If we can do the lab work. If not, it’s a little bit harder. But patients definitely—there’s all levels of healing, too. It’s not just, oh, this guy came in with cancer and we, you know, was fixed in like a week. I would never—it’s not like that. It’s like there’s just different levels of healing. And then if they really want to see if they still have that diagnosis of the rheumatoid factor and all that, we can always do the labs. And most of them feel so good and their lives are changed that they don’t really care about that anymore. But we will retest if we need to, for sure. Like heavy metals, we’ll definitely retest for that. And the mold, we’ll definitely retest for that because that’s kind of tough. Sometimes you think the patient’s getting better and they have, you know, a month, really great month, and then maybe they went back to some of their old devices, which is fine. I mean, I don’t want to block anybody from having a glass of wine or eating a candy, you know, not just—and that just little bit would send them back. Then that something’s going on we missed. We have to be careful of that, too.

S02: How often do you recommend doing these steps of detoxes or working with a doctor?

S03: Well, like a full-blown detox without really knowing. I mean, if the patient has pathology, they don’t have pathology. They just want to clean their body. I would say at least twice a year, kind of like a spring cleanse and like a fall cleanse. We have kits for that. And that would be a really great thing. The others, I mean, once they get really toxic and they got this pretty serious illness, it needs to become a lifestyle for a while. And it could be six months to two or three years. And they’ll love it after a while. They’ll hate it in the beginning, but once they get those toxins out and they feel better, you know, like I have an older patient and she wants to eat ice cream. I didn’t even know it. Every night, she wants to eat ice cream. I’m like, well, I don’t think your urinary tract infection is going to go away if you keep eating ice cream every night. And exactly that’s what it was. And that was—I didn’t realize that until recently. And what we—I put in big guns. I put in peptides, really strong peptides to boost the immune system. I mean, some peptides we use for cancer. I was putting in really strong things and killing off. We’re doing, you know, suppository. We’re doing everything. And you’re just beginning a little better. It took like a month, and then they’re getting worse, and then they’re getting better. So you always got to find out what the patient’s doing because sometimes they just can’t break these habits. Then we work on the brain. They can’t break the habit of the ice cream, which I’m pretty sure in this case, it was sugar. It wasn’t like the feeling of—because people will be the fat. They just love the fat in their mouth. But fat’s not bad as long as it’s not sugar in it. So we would use medicine like LDN, low-dose naltrexone, or Crave Arrest, or different things, NAD, IVs, to start to break those, fix the brain, like clean out the dopamine centers in the brain because that’s where all those—the pleasure centers. That’s where everyone wants to stimulate that. Whether you know it or not, that’s what you’re doing a lot of times during the day. And you’re just trying to feel better. And a lot of times you can’t do it anymore because it’s too toxic. Well, we need to start to detox them. And that’s when those

S02: cravings or addictions will go away. So you’re using science to help them fix their habits

S03: when it gets too bad. Wow. Yeah. Well, science or spiritual, I’m not anyone—I’ll go with any system. I understand them pretty well. I mean, I had to go through a lot to get to where I am. And I use spiritual, mental, emotional, physical. I was in all different things for—I mean, since probably 1991, you know. So I will impart that wisdom, whatever I can, to the patient. Now, whether they accept it or not, you know, sometimes they don’t want to look at the spiritual side or, you know, or just—I mean, you know, I’m kind of tired of the word spiritual. I would say small energy side, densely packed energies. It’s like colloidal silver, you know, how densely packed that is. And like nanoparticles. To me, that’s like not negating God or anything. I’m not saying that at all. I’m just saying that a lot of things we do, we call spiritual, are just very, very small energies that aren’t really known or seen by people a lot. So they would say, oh, that’s something weird. It’s not. Because we have homeopathy, which is tiny, tiny amounts of energy. And when you give somebody a homeopathic remedy, and it’s a 30C, so it means it’s below Avogadro’s number, as like the size of a molecule, I think we learned in science in high school. And what’s it—how could it do anything? And it will do something if you’re careful and you get the right remedy. Because we’re very scientific. It’s not just a placebo or anything like that. We change people’s lives with the right homeopathic medicine. But if it’s that small, what’s it doing? What’s it treating? Is it treating a physical cell, which is like 10,000 times bigger than that particle? Or where’s that particle going? So I think of it as like, we have—we have energy—we are energetic beings. And in Karelian imaging, you could see the energy of like ginseng’s very bright or curcumin. And I know they have pictures of humans looking at their auras. You know, you have a lot of energy. So when I talk about these small energies, if it—my understanding is that small energy will treat—the small energy of the medicine will treat the small energy of the body. And that’s what it’s kind of treating is your—more like your energy, which then trickles down to the physical body, and then everything gets better. I think too much nowadays, everybody’s only going for physical and trying to go the other way, which isn’t going to work. So—and we know, you know, you know, Qigong works like that too. Like, you know, any—any meditation systems are doing very powerful energy work. You know, there’s a lot of levels of healing that we have to look at. And when I try to take a patient, I say, well, where’s the best level for that patient? Where can I meet them where they’re at? And then bring them up or help them understand more systems or of the system they’re in? How can we get to a higher level so the energy is resonating, you know, at a much denser, much—much better energetic resonation? You know, and there’s—I had a buddy in undergrad at Rutgers, Dom D’Agostino. He does a lot of work now. He’s an amazing guy. He does a lot with Cheeto, with cancer. And basically, he was patch clamping a single cell. And he was measuring the energy of a single cell in a tiny little apparatus called a patch clamp. And it has energy. The one cell has energy. So think about that. And what we want our body to do is resonate at the best, highest level energy, the densely packed energy, because then literally, you’re going to affect things all around you in a really good way, as well you could do in a really negative way if you’re really toxic. Okay?

S02: Fascinating. So have you seen healing, like, occur on that energetic level when somebody really works on themselves, with Cheeto, with some of these?

S03: Well, myself, you know, I practice Falun Gong now for 24 years, and I didn’t need to take an aspirin or anything. I mean, I had—definitely had cysts blow up in my body, you know, sebaceous cysts, you know. I had, like, earaches and things like that. And they went away. They drained on their own. But I would just do more exercise, more meditation, and it would go away. I’m not saying that’s what I advise the general public to do. This is my own practice. But it’s pretty powerful. We’ve helped other people learn the practice, too. And their lives definitely would change, and a lot of physical stuff, a lot. I mean, even serious, serious illness will go away eventually if they keep up with it. They can definitely do that. And a lot of times, I think it’s a way—it’s—I don’t know how this works, but if your thinking’s all negative, and you’re—say you’re cursing other people, or you’re doing bad things, or giving people the finger on the highway, I think that that really affects your health a lot. Everything you say, everything you do, and everything you think will affect your health. And you can test it or not, but I believe that. I’ve seen it happen over and over, especially in my life. So if we can get people on a higher level, resonating any way, shape, and form, I’m all for

S02: it. We teach people every day different things to do that. Wow. So you go from the physical, from the science, all the way to the molecular, all the way to spiritual. Yeah. I use my left and

S03: right brain equally. I’ve been really blessed. I mean, I wasn’t so blessed when I was younger, and I had a really crazy, crazy life, but it taught me so many tools to use for patients now. And I think now we’re seeing a huge preponderance of energy healing coming in. I just bought a machine, which I—if you told me 10 years ago you were going to buy this machine, I would have told you you’re crazy, but I just bought a machine, an H2 molecular hydrogen machine from Japan, which has the most amazing research on healing just about anything, and it’s actually used in the ER, and it’s used in the operating rooms, and it’s used by the EMTs and the ambulance in Japan, and they have machines on the street that sell that hydrogen water. That’s how—I mean, if there wasn’t research, it wasn’t doing anything, nobody’s going to waste their money on it. So we have that machine coming in. We have a Vive bed by Stephen Schwartz, which is energy from vibration and from sounds, and I’ve seen people change a lot. I’ve seen it go to a very deep level, and then we bring in the IVs, then we bring in—we have stem cells. We have a lot of different things to help people heal. Nowadays, it’s like the patient comes in, like, okay, kind of figure out what they want to do, where’s their budget, what do they understand, what do they want to understand, and I go with that. I don’t try to be over the top of their head or tell—because they just won’t do it. They’re only going to get what they understand and what they think is going to work, and if they see IVs, they’re going to get IVs. I mean, I’ll get the right one, obviously, but if all they want to do is nutraceuticals, I’ll try to get them to the IVs, but we’re definitely going to keep pushing for that, especially if it’s something that I know is going to work really well, but—and we move them up. Then they move up themselves. I think people grow in my practice a lot, and they change their lives, and it’s the lifestyle changes that

S02: we’re looking for. Fascinating. That’s great. We started with detox, and we ended up in spirituality and lifestyle. I love it.

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